Studio Access
$35.00 AUD
Studio access sessions are untutored for independent practice.
At the end of the session your wheel and tools should be cleaned thoroughly. Do a quick spot mop on the floor around your wheel, and sweep up any turnings on the floor as well please.
Please don’t book more than 1 or 2 weeks in advance.
If you prefer to come at times not listed, casual studio access is available at $14 per hour, or $40 for a day (max 6 hours between 10-4.30.
Use of wheels, slab roller, extruder.
Bring your own tools and clay (or buy here).
Any work done during studio access will be kept on the dedicated studio access shelves. Please ensure that your work is clearly labeled with your name and the date. We do not monitor the drying process so if you’re unsure wrap your pots well. You are welcome to drop in during the week to see how they are drying and wrap or unwrap them so that you can hopefully get them to leather hard for your next visit to turn them. Please be mindful that space is limited so pack your pots close together so we don’t have to shuffle them round.